There are certain common-sense rules that all good relationships should follow. For example, it is important to communicate your problems before the issue reaches an 11 on a 10-point scale. It’s also essential that you develop at least a few similar interests in order to develop a well-rounded relationship. That being said, there are certain behaviors that might seem taboo on the surface, but can actually contribute to a happier relationship and even result in a higher quality of life. Here are six surprising strategies that might actually save your relationship.
Talking About Past Relationships Shouldn’t Be Off-Limits
Exes shape who we are and even influence our future romantic relationships. As uncomfortable as it might seem, there are times when it is important to discuss lessons you’ve learned based on previous relationships. It demonstrates openness and honesty, and also shows that you’ve moved on. On the other hand, there is one thing you should absolutely avoid doing: never compare your current partner to girls/guys you’ve dated in the past. In particular, don’t “rate” them for their positive and negative qualities based on what you’ve experienced with others. They don’t need those constant reminders or evaluations.
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