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Burkina Faso: the President of the Transition, Ibrahim Traoré proceeds to a restructuring of the army

The President of the Transition, Captain Ibrahim Traoré carried out a restructuring of the Burkinabè army through several decrees signed on November 14, 2022 and made public on November 15.

President of the Transition Ibrahim Traoré made significant changes in the organization of the Burkinabè army and also proceeded to the appointment of several young officers at the head of various commands.

The military regions are now increased from three to six for the army. The Air Force is organized into two Air Regions, six Gendarmerie Legions for the National Gendarmerie and six groupings of forces.


Geographic occupations

The first military region still remains in the Center-North region, the capital of which is Kaya. It also has a force group for securing the North (GFSN). The first Gendarmerie Legion is also there. All these forces cover the administrative regions of Centre-Nord and Nord.

Bobo Dioulasso, capital of the Hauts-Bassins region, is still home to the second military region, the grouping of forces for securing the West (GFSO) and the second legion of the gendarmerie. The second military region controls the administrative regions of Hauts-Bassins, Sud-Ouest and Cascades.


The third military region based in Ouagadougou does not change either. However, it now houses the group of forces for the security of the Center (GFSC) and the third legion of national gendarmerie. The command of the third military region extends over the administrative regions of the Center, the Center-South, the Central Plateau and the Center West.

Three new military regions


The fourth military region, the grouping of forces for the security of the Sahel (GFSS) and the fourth legion of Gendarmerie is based in Dori, capital of the Sahel region. It only covers the administrative region of the Sahel.

Dédougou, capital of the Boucle du Mouhoun, which is a former garrison town, now houses the fifth military region, the group of security forces of the Boucle du Mouhoun and the fifth legion of the national gendarmerie. This military region covers the unique administrative region of Boucle du Mouhoun.

Finally the sixth military region is installed in Fada N’gourma, capital of the Eastern region. It is home to the group of forces for securing the East (GFSE) and the sixth legion of gendarmerie. The military region covers the Eastern and Central Eastern administrative regions.


Creation of two air regions


There are now two aerial regions at the level of the Burkinabè army. The first air region covers the administrative regions of Centre, Central Plateau, East, Centre-East, Centre-South, Centre-West, Centre-North, North and Sahel with the command post Ouagadougou.


The second aerial region covers the administrative regions of South-West, Cascades, Hauts-Bassins and Boucle du Mouhoun with Bobo Dioulasso as its command post.


Creation of six rapid intervention battalions (BIR)



Captain Ibrahim Traoré, President of the Transition has also created six rapid intervention battalions (BIR). “They are initially based in the Ouagadougou garrison and can be deployed according to operational needs throughout the national territory”, according to the creation decree. In a transitional manner, they are stationed on a site determined by the Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces.


According to the decree creating the rapid intervention battalions (BIR), “they are responsible for intervening as quickly as possible and as far forward as possible by favoring mobility and firepower in the face of any threat against the integrity of the territory. national. They also provide escorts for large logistical convoys for the benefit of the national armed forces or any other organization. The rapid invention battalions also participate in the fight against organized crime alongside the internal security forces”.


Reorganization of the National Theater Operations Command (COTN)


The COTN is undergoing a reorganization. It is now under the administrative command of the Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces (CEMGA) and comes under the authority of the Deputy Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces (CEMGAA) for the operational aspects.


Its mission is to design, organize and support operations within the framework of the fight against terrorism throughout the national territory. Its operational units are: force groupings; rapid intervention battalions; a logistics group; an air moiety; an artillery group and a patriotic watch and defense brigade (essentially made up of army auxiliaries, editor’s note).


Appointments of young officers


Several young officers were brought to the head of the various commands of the army. Commanders and Captains appointed to head security force groups based in six military regions.


The rapid intervention battalions (BIR) are all commanded by Captains.


The Head of State, Ibrahim Traoré also appointed the Commanders of the six military regions and several heads of corps.


Lieutenant-Colonel Christian Ouattara is appointed Chief of Staff of the Air Force.






Francine DZIDULA


E-Mail: togoscoop@gmail.com


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